Boomerang sales bounce back for Leighton company

Wicked Vision MD David Strang with the Boomas he manufactures in Britain and sells to AustraliaWicked Vision MD David Strang with the Boomas he manufactures in Britain and sells to Australia
Wicked Vision MD David Strang with the Boomas he manufactures in Britain and sells to Australia
Who'd have guessed it? A Leighton Buzzard company is at the forefront of the export market . . . making boomerangs to sell to Australia.

The BBC featured the story after international trade secretary Liam Fox commented: “What Napoleon called a nation of shopkeepers has sold tea to China, wine to France and boomerangs to Australia.”

Polyformes Ltd of CherryCourt Way – Europe’s largest foam fabrication company – makes the Aussie implement for UK company Wicked Vision which, in turn, sells them to Australia.

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MD Chris Tarling said: “We worked together to choose the best materials for their innovative Booma boomerangs and then went on to construct a bespoke machine for their manufacture. The foam used is manufactured by Zotefoams in Croydon which makes them a 100 per cent British product.”

Wicked Vision general manager Charles Williams said the company’s range differed slightly from the original in that they were made from foam and plastic instead of wood and had three wings instead of the tradtional two.

“You can ‘tune’ the wings to fly different heights and distances,” he explained. “Our indoor range is very popular because you can’t always trust the British weather and these won’t do any damage.

“Our MD David Strang grew up in Australia and he’s the creative genius behind it.”

He added: “We try to make as much as possible in the UK and in 2014 we won the Manufacturing Entrepreneur of the Year title at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.”