Buzzard's youngsters ease to victory

Leighton Buzzard U11sLeighton Buzzard U11s
Leighton Buzzard U11s
Leighton Buzzard will have plenty of strength in the future if their U11s are anything to go by.

They were in action on Saturday against Aylesbury U11s and put their opponents to the sword.

The sides played three matches during the morning and the team built on how well they had played against Milton Keynes a fortnight ago with a level of intensity and precision their coaches had been asking for. Leighton played with a freedom that has rarely been seen throughout the season.

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At times the rugby flowed from one side of the pitch to the other with passages of play underpinned by some great physicality at the breakdown and in the tackle, along with slick passing and support running. Linking phases of play together is an important development that the team were able to bring to the fore.

The tries were shared across the team with Jack Charter, Lewis Jeans, Ben Eggleton, Edward Hasley and Charlie Rumens all crossing the try line at different times in all three matches.