Attack on Leighton guide dog is eighth in region this year

A guide dog was attacked in Leighton (stock image).A guide dog was attacked in Leighton (stock image).
A guide dog was attacked in Leighton (stock image).
The owner of a guide dog that was attacked in Leighton Buzzard by another dog that was out of control is getting support from Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

Police are investigating after the incident at around 10.50am on Monday (September 19) when a dog that was off its lead carried out the attack in Mentmore Road.

The charity has revealed that the shocking incident is not an uncommon occurence.

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Dr Andrew Dodgson, Head of Mobility Services, at the charity said: “Unfortunately this happens on a regular basis. As an organisation we work closely with the police and our owners to promote their safety. However in the Bedfordshire, Herefordshire and Essex area we have had 8 attacks this year already.

“Guide dogs are protected legally, meaning that if a dog attacks an assistance dog then its owner will have committed an offence under the Dangerous Dogs Act.

“An attack on a guide dog can be devastating for their owner and the guide dog. It can leave someone with sight loss traumatised, isolated at home and robbed of their independence and freedom. We are doing all we can to support the owner through this upsetting time.”

The owner of the attacking dog is believed to be a woman wearing a purple raincoat who had two dogs with her, a white West Highland Terrier and a large light coloured dog.

It is believed to be the larger dog that attacked the guide dog.

Anyone with information should call police on 101 quoting JD/38274/2016.