Two day operation in Leighton Buzzard by police

Bedfordshire Police's rural officers have carried out a two-day operation cracking down on vehicle crime in Leighton Buzzard and nearby villages.

Last Monday and Tuesday (June 19-20) officers from the force’s Operation Sentinel Rural team, supported by the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire ANPR team, held Operation Torby days of action to tackle vehicle offences as well as anti-social behaviour.

The operation in Leighton resulted in two vehicles seizure, one recovery of a stolen vehicle and 14 traffic offence reports for offences ranging from driving without insurance or without a valid MOT, as well as speeding and window tinting offences.

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Additionally around 300 speed checks were carried out in surrounding villages.

The force says the increased visibility during the two days of action was met with a positive response from communities.

Sgt Clare Thomas said: “My team and I are dedicated to working closely with our partner agencies to crack down on the problems most important to our rural communities.

“It’s the fifth Operation Torby that we have carried out and once again we have successfully tackled the issues which affect neighbourhoods. We are planning more events like this in the future, during which we will take a multi-agency approach to identifying solutions and disrupting offenders.”

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You can contact Operation Sentinel by emailing [email protected] or you can call Bedfordshire Police on 101. In the case of an emergency or if a crime is in progress, always call 999. Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.