WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Distraught farmer finds pregnant ewes savaged

A farmer was confronted with a scene of carnage last week after finding his flock of sheep savaged by dogs.

Two heavily pregnant ewes lay dead with their throats torn, while other wounded sheep were strewn across several fields off Mile Tree Road on the afternoon of Sunday, December 4.

Three ewes were later put down by vets due to the severity of their injuries, while a further two miscarried their lambs due to shock.

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The farmer said: “It really got me when I found them. It was just carnage, I had tears in my eyes.

“It was their first lambing seasons. We had them checked and they were all pregnant with twins so we’ve lost about 14 lambs.

“It’s two years of work lost in one afternoon, we’ve had these sheep since they were lambs.”

The attack was the third in as many weeks by dogs on the farmer’s sheep.

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A large alsation had targeted his flock at a different location on November 19 and December 2, although neither of these had resulted in any deaths.

The farmer, who did not wish to be named, contacted the LBO last week after hearing of similar dog attacks on another farm.

He added: “There are obviously some very dangerous dogs within the Leighton Buzzard area or very irresponsible owners.”

An RSPCA spokesman said: “This sounds like an awful incident which would have been distressing for the sheep and for anyone to witness.

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“Many dogs, if given the opportunity, will chase or show interest in livestock.

“Don’t be complacent if your dog is normally calm and obedient, as they could still chase other animals. Because of this, it is so important to keep your dog on a lead around livestock and wildlife.

“The aftermath of these attacks cause extreme stress, injuries and sometimes death to the sheep.

Dog owners should also remember that they could be prosecuted and their dog could be shot if they are caught worrying sheep.”

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A spokesman for Beds Police confirmed the Force had received two reports of sheep having been attacked, believed to be by a dog, in Heath and Reach on December 2 and 4.

The spokesman said: “Rural, animal-related crime can cause so much damage, particularly when a farmer’s livestock is affected in this tragic way.

“We are working in force to create dedicated support for rural crime matters and will ensure that we make contact with the victim in this case to investigate the sad losses he has already experienced and help prevent his land from being affected in future.”

Anyone with any information about the incidents is asked to contact Inspector Day on 101.