Deaths of two popular villagers

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It is with great sadness that we heard of the death of the Rev Peter Lymbery and Margaret Bunyan, both of whom were very much part of village life.

Peter was a major figure at All Saints’ Church for many years. He sang in the choir, was a churchwarden and, for the 10 years or so before he retired, a non-stipendiary minister.

He loved our church and served it devotedly. He loved taking the communion service but wasn’t too keen on giving sermons, I seem to remember.

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The funeral took place on Wednesday (December 14). It was a high mass followed by a burial in the churchyard.

On Friday (December 16) there was a thanksgiving service for Margaret Bunyan’s life.

The mother-of-two had three brothers and was aunty to to Roger, Kevin, Sharon, Ian and Barry.

She was very involved in community life and was one of the organisers of the village newsletter. She also did flowers in the church and could often be seen walking round the village delivering newspapers.

She visited people for tea and a chat and was a great help to various families.

Both she and and Peter will be fondly remembered.