Builder's appeal for Valley Farm application to be heard today

Developers behind the controversial bid to build 300 homes off the edge of Linslade will be appealing to the Planning Inspectorate (PI) today after a unanimous rejection by Aylesbury Vale District Council in February.

Paul Newman Homes have made out their case to the PI in attempt for their application to build houses on Valley Farm to finally be accepted.

The builder has been involved in a tug of war with residents for the past several years. In 2012, a similar appeal to the Planning Inspectorate for 900 homes to be built on site was turned down.

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Several members of the public will be appearing at the hearing to submit their comments. Campaigner Tom Daly said: “The meeting is of crucial importance, because this is our last chance to stop the building on this exposed site between built up Derwent Road in Western Linslade and the bypass.

“If it goes ahead then we will be powerless to stop similar applications that will surely follow.”

The hearing is at 10am today at the AVDC offices, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road in Aylesbury.