Parish council opposes plans for turbine two

The first turbine which had to be repairedThe first turbine which had to be repaired
The first turbine which had to be repaired
Controversial plans to install a second wind turbine in Heath and Reach are being opposed by its parish council.

Plans to build the wind turbine at Checkley Wood Farm have divided public opinion since a formal planning application was submitted on May 5.

Among the concerns of residents has been potential interference with television signals – experienced after the Double Arches quarry was constructed in December 2014.

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A Heath and Reach parish council spokesman said: “We are not sure how much weight TV reception carries in planning law but in the everyday life of the local community it is important.

“This, taken with the other issues identified in the public meetings held in the community and the objection document prepared by SCWT [an action group opposed to the turbine] clearly demonstrates that the local community does not support the application for a second turbine. It is clear from public reaction to this application that identified impacts have not been fully addressed and the proposal does not have the backing of the affected local community.

“On this basis alone it should be refused, taken with the above overdevelopment of green belt land and the increased visual intrusion this second turbine would have on the heritage landscape.

“Having regard to its height and visibility and its close proximity to the existing turbine; we believe there is a strong case for refusing this application.”