Drawing a line under bizarre rock saga?

New lines around the Soulbury StoneNew lines around the Soulbury Stone
New lines around the Soulbury Stone
An ancient stone in Soulbury has brought the quiet village into a new era of quirky notoriety.

The ‘Soulbury Boot’ made headlines after a driver crashed into it and attempted to sue the council. Since the LBO exclusive story which was followed up by numerous national newspapers, people have flocked to visit the mysterious monument – which has been in its location for thousands of years.

Parish council chairman Victor Wright said youngsters were being spotted taking pictures standing on the rock.

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He said: “We have so many visitors over the last ten days, we had someone standing on it at 9am on Sunday morning having his picture taken. We just need a cafe on the corner! I’m trying to get a preservation order on it. Historic England have turned me down because it’s not a building.”

Last week to improve safety, Bucks County Council painted lines by the stone – which has had a mixed reaction in the village. Bucks CC has now put the ball in the parish council’s court over two potential schemes to put paving around the rock – at a cost of either £14,ooo or £39,000, which would have to be funded by the village.

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