Police warning after elderly man hands over cash for clothing outside Leighton Buzzard bank

Leighton Buzzard newsLeighton Buzzard news
Leighton Buzzard news
Police have issued a warning after an elderly man handed over money in exchange for clothing shortly after withdrawing the cash from a Leighton Buzzard bank.

The apparent trickster, persuaded the victim, who was in his 80s, to part with money he had just withdrawn from the bank. He claimed he was going back to Italy and couldn’t take the clothes he’d bought for his wife back due to luggage allowance restrictions.

The elderly man genuinely thought he was helping him when he bought the clothes, but then saw the same man waiting outside the bank [which hasn’t been named by police] a couple of days later, who then claimed to be French and had no recollection of selling him the clothes.

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Bedfordshire Police is now warning residents to be vigilant when withdrawing money and encourage their elderly relatives to do the same following the incident which happened on Monday, 26 October between 12noon and 1pm.

A spokesman said: “We want to encourage people to be careful of those around them when using a bank and to remember the importance of shielding your pin when using a cash machine.”

For further information about personal safety visit https://www.bedfordshire.police.uk/A-Z/Personal-safety