Review - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeThe Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
There was once an expression by the film director Stanley Kubrick that if you can think of something then you can film it.

The same expression can probably be used to describe the adaptation of the very popular book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. As at first read of the book, you would imagine it is difficult to stage.

However, it is a triumph from the National Theatre's production bringing the show to Aylesbury's Waterside Theatre that not only does it prove entirely possible to stage, but it is done with such incredible flair that it is a joy to watch.

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And it is probably worth going to see for any wannabe theatre directors and producers because the relatively simple staging and the use of the imagination of the audience sells this as a piece and shows what can be achieved when the budget might not be massive.

But as for the story, it sees the autistic Christopher Boone who is sets out to solve the murder of a neighbour's dog. But the further he digs into the mystery of who killed Wellington, the more secrets he uncovers and his stable world is turned upside down by revelation after revelation.

Given the subject material, it must be difficult to portray Christopher but kudos to Scott Reid who gives a performance which is accurate and yet sympathetic at the same time in what must be one of the most challenging roles for a young man on the stage. He is fully deserving of the standing ovation that he received at the show's conclusion.

Indeed given the nature of the show, many of the actors double up as the ensemble and given the energy they all put in, every single person is outstanding.

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There are a couple of moments which stands out. The scenes in the climax to the first act are truly outstanding pieces of theatre as you see a model railway version of London bought to life and using that to portray the confusion within Christopher's mind shows an incredible level of flair within the show.

And the other bit is difficult to talk about without spoiling, but there's an appearance at the end which will melt the heart of even the stoniest, grumpiest of people.

This is theatre at its very best and a show which comes highly recommended.

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