Annual chance to ask questions on key Leighton-Linslade issues

The Leighton-Linslade Annual Parish Meeting takes place next Monday (March 14).

The event presents an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions about the work of the town council and find out about plans for the future.

Town Councillors representing the four main committees will be present to answer questions on matters such as parks /open spaces, play areas, allotments, cemeteries, community events, community grants and Christmas lighting.

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The meeting takes place at Mentmore Pavilion, in Mentmore Park, Linslade. between 7.30pm and 9pm and is open to all residents.

A council spokesman said: “The refurbished hall provides a much larger meeting space than the Council Chamber at the White House and we hope to welcome as many local residents as possible to the event.”

Representatives of the Rotary Club of Leighton-Linslade and the Leighton-Linslade Carnival Committee will also be in attendance.

The council spokesman added: “Why not come along and find out more about what these enthusiastic volunteers are doing for our town and maybe even consider how you could help.”