Cat rescue! Scared Missy's motor mistake

Missy the catMissy the cat
Missy the cat
A rescue mission was launched to free a frightened cat, after she made a daring escape from her pet carrier and got stuck in a car chassis.

Startled pet Missy, seven, had to be pulled free from a VW Caddy, after the clips on her plastic carrier gave way and it fell to pieces as her owner was walking across the car park of Ark House Vets, Hockliffe Street, on November 25.

The frightened feline bolted into the underside of the car, while Ark House receptionist, Lorna Reid, rushed to the scene, advising that they call PT Autos to jack the car.

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Owner, Maxine Walker,54, of Atterbury Avenue, said: “The plastic box just collapsed and Missy smashed to the floor, running under a staff member’s car!

Lorna ReidLorna Reid
Lorna Reid

“The staff brought out cardboard boxes to surround it, and we were trying to tempt Missy out with biscuits, but the car was parked by the vet’s kennels and we could hear barking - everything was against us!

“Lorna suggested we call PT Autos, and owner Paul arrived within minutes! They were both amazing.

“Paul jacked the car and Lorna was on her back in the cold for about twenty minutes with her arm in the car, twisting Missy round to pull her out.”

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Missy was given an ‘MOT’ and apart from one of her ‘nine lives’ lost, was in good health and could have the routine jab she’d been booked in for .

Lorna ReidLorna Reid
Lorna Reid

Paul Taylor, 32, owner of PT Autos, said: “I got a call saying there was a drama at the vets. We were really busy, but I have a dog, and if someone says, ‘you’re dog is stuck’, you’d go and help! I took a van with a jack and a torch. I thought she’d bolted but they called ‘Missy’ and she miaowed!

“She must have gone up the middle of the car’s underside and followed the exhaust over the suspension. She was in a void between the suspension and a steering sub frame.”

Lorna said: “I saw Missy’s owner waving her arms and calling by her broken carrier. An owner lost their cat from the car park before, which got hit by a car - I didn’t want that to happen again!”

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