Jailed for sexually abusing girl, 8

Aidan SmithAidan Smith
Aidan Smith
A man has been sentenced to six years in prison for sexually abusing an eight-year-old girl.

Aidan Smith, 20, from Bideford Green, Linslade, was imprisoned at St Albans Crown Court on Wednesday after being found guilty of six counts of child sexual abuse.

During a trial in October the jury heard how Smith abused the girl on several occasions during 2011 and 2012, when he was aged 15.

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Det Con Nadia Hussein, who investigated the case, said: “No length of time behind bars can never make up for the trauma that Smith inflicted on his victim, but I hope that seeing Smith found guilty and punished will assist with helping her to move on from this horrific experience.

“I also hope this reassures other victims of sexual abuse that if they come forward we will listen to them, we will believe them, and justice can be done.”