Puppy dies after dog savaged it 'like a rag doll' near Leighton-Linslade canal

"Lola was a happy little dog. She didn't deserve to die like that"

A puppy was attacked and killed by an "out of control" dog in front of horrified witnesses in Leighton Buzzard.

Samantha Miles, 38, claims her Shih Tzu Lola was set upon by large greyhound-type dog on Sunday, July 3, which also tried to bite her partner and son, and pierced the neck of another terrier.

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She claims the "monstrous" canine savaged Lola for ten minutes, puncturing her lung and breaking three ribs. Unable to breathe, Lola died at the scene in her family's arms.

Samantha, who had been walking by the canal near Monarch Way, claims: "The woman, who was about 15 metres away from us, shouted across: 'Do you mind putting your dogs on the lead, I'm trying to train my dog...', then something about 'risk'.

"But as soon as my partner put the clasp around Lola, that greyhound attacked her like she was a rag doll, piercing her whole body.

"My partner is a strong man, but he couldn't get this dog off. My son tried to put his fingers round the dog's mouth to pull it away.

"It lasted about ten minutes, it was just awful."

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Samantha claims that the dog tried to bite her partner, Robert Perez, and her son, Ryan, but luckily it didn't pierce their trousers.

She claims it also tried to bite a passer-by, and attacked another dog. Samantha, Robert and Ryan had been walking their Yorkshire Terrier, Roxy, too, but she managed to hide.

Robert, 60, claims: "It was monstrous. The lady seemed to be really, really struggling with it. It basically just grabbed hold of Lola on the neck. It was like something out of a horror film."

After the attack, Samantha was taken in by a local named Steve so she could come away from the scene, while a vet - who happened to pass by - confirmed Lola was dead.

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Steve then took Robert and Lola to Vets Now, Milton Keynes, where she was further examined and will be cremated.

Samantha claims: "Everyone was coming out of their flats because they could hear this high pitched screaming.

"The owner didn't even say sorry. She was saying 'my husband, I need my husband'."

Robert added: "She was wearing protective gloves, which tells you something."

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Robert claims that, as well as the lead, which it was let off, the 'greyhound' had also initially been wearing a harness and muzzle.

However, they claim it wasn’t wearing either when it grabbed Lola.

Samantha told the LBO: "It's really to raise awareness. We're trying to get that dog put down, and if not put down then there should be strict rules about keeping them on a lead.

"They [greyhounds] are so dangerous. They are trained to kill rabbits... and then [when retired] let loose around children."

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Robert concluded: "Lola was a happy little dog. She didn't deserve to die like that."

A Bedfordshire Police spokesperson said: “We received a report shortly after 10am on Sunday (July 3) of an incident where a dog had injured another dog in Monarch Way.

“Officers are investigating and anyone who witnessed the incident is encouraged to get in touch.

“Anyone with information is asked to visit www.beds.police.uk or call 101 and quote reference 40/38185/22.”