'Speed kills' warn police after covert checks on Leighton Buzzard's Hockliffe Road

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‘Speed kills’ is the stark warning issued by Leighton Buzzard Community Policing Team.

Officers carried out covert checks in Hockliffe Road on Saturday (June 1) and had to speak to a number of drivers who were travelling in excess of the 30mph limit.

The community team said: "Please obey the limits of the road - be that temporary or permanent - they’re there for a reason. Everyone has a family to get home to at the end of the day, and we don’t want to be knocking on anymore doors to let loved ones know that their relative isn’t coming home. You really will save lives."

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The officers spoke to the drivers, who were travelling "just slightly in excess of what they should be," and educated them about the dangers.

Bedfordshire Police news. Image: Tony Margiocchi.Bedfordshire Police news. Image: Tony Margiocchi.
Bedfordshire Police news. Image: Tony Margiocchi.

Meanwhile, those who were tipping off the speeding drivers - and alerting them to the police checks - aren’t getting away with it.

The team added: “What some of you may not have seen was our unmarked vehicles and officers, out and about travelling that same stretch of road making a note of those vehicles who were ‘flashing’ their headlamps at other road users, signalling for them to slow down, and obstructing us in our work. Those that we spoke to were dealt with accordingly, and for those we didn’t catch up with, the paperwork is in the post for you!”

If speeding is an issue in your area, please get in touch with Bedfordshire Police online or by emailing [email protected]

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The team concluded: "This is a very important message to get across. Now with the stats saying that in 2022, speed played a contributing factor in over 40 per cent of fatal collisions, we are committed to dealing with speeding motorists and putting across the message in a bid to save lives and stop the misery and heartache caused when it does go horribly wrong.”