Woman banned from keeping animals

George the labradorGeorge the labrador
George the labrador
A woman has been banned from keeping animals after failing to feed her pet Labrador.

Anne Adams, 61, of New Road, Drayton Parslow, was sentenced at Milton Keynes Magistrates Court today (Friday).

She had pleaded guilty to one offence of causing unnecessary suffering by failing to provide a suitable diet for her 12-year-old dog George at a previous hearing.

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Magistrates handed out a ten-year ban from keeping all animals, £1,420 costs including a victim surcharge of £60, and 120 hours unpaid work.

The offence took place between June 17 and July 8 this year.

RSPCA inspector Kirsty Withnall said: “George is a lovely sweet natured dog and he has now been rehomed which is great news.

“It is so sad that he had to go through this. I would stress that there is help available to people who feel they are struggling to afford to feed their animals through charities or even by asking friends and family to help.”