Dedicated Dave is rewarded for his tremendous contribution to Leighton-Linslade May Fayre

Dave EdwardsDave Edwards
Dave Edwards
A hardworking Billington resident who has been a driving force behind Leighton-Linslade's beloved May Fayre has seen his efforts rewarded.

Dave Edwards, 74, was honoured to win the Lifetime Achievement Award at Central Bedfordshire Council’s Cheering Volunteering Awards held on June 6 at the Grove Theatre, Dunstable.

Dave, who has been chairman of the May Day Fayre Committee for 26 years, has helped organise the event ever since it began nearly 30 years ago, as well as helping with the Santa float and the celebrations for the 90th birthday of The Queen.

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Dave, who is humble about his grand honour, said: “It is nice to have it, although I sort of wonder why I get these things!

“The evening was very nice; it was well orchestrated and there was even a Tom Jones impersonator!

“But most importantly, I would like to thank the community for supporting the May Fayre, to the Leighton-Linslade Rotary Club for all the help that they willingly give me, as well as to the small businesses of the town for their interest and financial contribution.”

Dave, a member of the Leighton-Linslade Rotary Club, has previously been recognised for his hard work when he was made Honorary Burgess of Leighton-Linslade in 2017 along with local conservationist Malcolm Chaney, and Dave fondly remembers his years supporting the May Fayre.

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Dave said: “The idea to have the May Fayre came about because we wanted to celebrate All Saints Church being reconsecrated after it suffered a fire. Then the Fayre just grew and grew!

“It was run by the All Saints May Day Fayre Committee and John Bolt for two years, before the Rotary Club adopted it.”

Dave grew up in London, before moving to Cheddington and later Billington.