Diabetes UK Roadshow in Leighton on Bank Holiday Monday

Find out your risk of getting Type 2 diabetes - and how to reduce it '“ at the Diabetes UK Know Your Risk roadshow on May 1 and 2.

It’s sponsored by the chairman of Central Bedfordshire Council, Cllr David Bowater.

On Monday it will run from 10am to 5pm at the May Fair outside Pizza Express in Market Square, then on Tuesday it will move to the Tesco car park in Vimy Road from 9am to 5pm.

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About 60,000 are at risk of Type 2 diabetes in Bedfordshire. And with numbers expected to rise significantly, it’s crucial people make changes now to delay or even prevent developing this serious health condition.

There are also an estimated 6,000 living with it undiagnosed. Left untreated or poorly managed, it can cause devastating complications such as amputation, blindness, kidney failure and stroke.

Visitors to the Roadshow can find out their risk, free of charge, by having their height, weight and waist measured and answering some simple questions.

Spokeswoman Sharon Roberts said: “Three out of five cases of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed if people take action. At the Roadshow, Leighton Buzzard residents can have a private consultation with our friendly trained volunteers and a dietitian will help identify small changes to make now that could improve their future health.”

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Unlike Type 1 diabetes which is not linked to lifestyle and cannot be prevented, the over-riding factor for developing Type 2 is being overweight, particularly around the waist. This can be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight through eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise.

Cllr David Bowater said: “As council chairman and a Type 2 diabetic, I am well aware of the benefits of early detection. I am delighted we’ve been able to bring the Roadshow to the area.”

> If you can’t attend the Roadshow, find out your risk of Type 2 diabetes online at diabetes.org.uk/knowyourrisk or visit www.diabetes.org.uk