Draft business plan wanted ahead of £330,000 refurbishment of Pages Park Pavilion in Leighton Buzzard

Pictured at Pages Park Pavilion from left to right are Cllr Ray Berry, Cllr Amanda Dodwell, Cllr Carol Chambers, Cllr David Bowater and Cllr Steve Cotter.Pictured at Pages Park Pavilion from left to right are Cllr Ray Berry, Cllr Amanda Dodwell, Cllr Carol Chambers, Cllr David Bowater and Cllr Steve Cotter.
Pictured at Pages Park Pavilion from left to right are Cllr Ray Berry, Cllr Amanda Dodwell, Cllr Carol Chambers, Cllr David Bowater and Cllr Steve Cotter.
The project to refurbish Pages Park Pavilion was given a tentative green light at last Monday’s meeting of Leighton Linslade Town Council, subject to several conditions.

As reported last week, the council has published plans to refurbish the pavilion at a cost of approximately £330,000. During discussions at Monday’s meeting, the proposal was broadly welcomed and it was agreed in principle that the refurbishment should go ahead subject to a draft business plan for the pavilion being agreed by the council, and clarification of some contractual matters.

Cllr Amanda Dodwell said: “I am pleased that the council has backed this project. Representatives of both the Play Café and the Croquet Club spoke passionately in favour of keeping this valuable community asset open, and I am delighted that my colleagues took on board their comments and have agreed to move the project to the next phase.”