Husband fined for Blue Badge fraud in Leighton Buzzard

Blue BadgeBlue Badge
Blue Badge
A Leighton Buzzard man has been fined for fraudulently using his wife's Blue Badge.

Central Beds Council carries out checks to ensure that Blue Badge disabled parking permits are valid and being used correctly.

Blue Badges allow a disabled person to park closer to their home or destination, and can only be displayed by another person if the badge holder is present and is being dropped off or collected.

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However, in June this year, James Mason of Meadow Way in Leighton Buzzard was found using his wife’s Blue Badge for his own benefit in Leighton Buzzard High Street.

Mr Mason initially claimed that he had dropped his wife off at an appointment, but later admitted that he had lied.

He pleaded guilty by post and at Luton Magistrates’ court on Tuesday, November 13 he was sentenced and ordered to pay fines totalling £510 due to the breach of Section 117(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

He has since told the LBO that he parked illegally beause he needed to get medication urgently for his severely disabled wife.

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Councillor Kevin Collins, Deputy Executive Member for Corporate Resources at Central Beds Council, said: “Blue Badges are issued to those in our communities who need them the most.

“They provide a vital lifeline for the disabled by giving them priority parking spaces.

“Without them, people with severe mobility problems would struggle to visit shops, access services, and visit friends and family.

Motorists who pretend to be disabled to get free and convenient parking are preventing those who are genuinely disabled from using their parking bays, and they are also cheating the vast majority of road users who play fair when they park their cars.

“The rules around Blue Badge use are very clear.

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“If we catch people using the badges fraudulently, then we will take action.”

> If you suspect someone of illegally using a Blue Badge, you can report it to the council by calling 0300 300 8035 or emailing [email protected]. The government estimates that Blue Badge fraud costs the UK £46million a year in dodged parking fees.