KidsOut boost as store staff pay tribute to Jamie

Staff from Tesco took on Morrisons in a charity football match to raise money for KidsOutStaff from Tesco took on Morrisons in a charity football match to raise money for KidsOut
Staff from Tesco took on Morrisons in a charity football match to raise money for KidsOut
Staff from Morrisons and Tesco raised more than £700 for '¨KidsOut at the annual football match for the charity on Sunday, August 6, at Leighton Town Football Club.

This year the football match was dedicated to Jamie Parker who died in May after he was involved in a collision with a car. He worked at Tesco in Vimy Road, and his colleagues who played in the match wore shirts with his name on the back in his memory. Morrisons won the memorial shield 3-2. Both supermarkets provided raffle prizes and food for a BBQ on the day.

All the food left over was donated to Leighton-Linslade Homeless Service. KidsOut, based in Leighton Buzzard, provides a range of services to help change the lives of disadvantaged children.