Linslade school’s eco warriors are flying the flag for the planet

Eco warriors - youngsters from Linslade Lower SchoolEco warriors - youngsters from Linslade Lower School
Eco warriors - youngsters from Linslade Lower School
Eco warriors from Linslade Lower School have been awarded a Green Flag Eco award after a year of working to help save the planet.

Over the year the school’s Eco Group has been electric monitors, litter pickers and helped organise the Eco Week. During the Eco Week all pupils learnt about recycling, reducing waste, helping animals in the environment and planted wild flower seeds to encourage biodiversity.

Children made a special effort to walk, scoot or cycle to school. They even took eight bags of soft plastic to be recycled and tried to use less single use plastic.

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Assessors from the Eco Schools group said: “It’s very impressive that you have formed such a large eco-committee. It shows that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and dedicated to being active and creating positive change.

“It’s clear that you have embedded environmental issues into your curriculum with great enthusiasm and these issues are being used to enrich learning in your school, whilst broadening your pupil’s cultural horizons by engaging them in important global issues, such as deforestation in Brazil, single-use plastics and their impact on marine, wildlife and human habitats.”

Headteacher, Mrs Farlam said: “Everyone involved should take immense pride in the way we have included and inspired the young people and parents within your school community. We aim to set them on their path to becoming caring and compassionate advocates for environmentalism. The children at Linslade Lower School are a wonderful ambassador for the Eco-Schools programme, and we are delighted to have achieved the Eco-Schools Green Flag!”