Call for fresh consultation over regeneration of Leighton Buzzard's Land South

The Land South site (council owned land in orange).The Land South site (council owned land in orange).
The Land South site (council owned land in orange).
LibDems call for plans to go back to the drawing board in the wake up of local election shake-up

A vital plan to regenerate part of Leighton Buzzard town centre could return to the drawing board because of the political shake-up after the local government elections.

A motion to reconsider every aspect of redeveloping land south of the High Street was unanimously supported by Central Bedfordshire Council’s Leighton-Linslade partnership committee.

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The town’s Liberal Democrats proposed the motion and are opposing the plans for the overhaul of this area presented in a recent ‘Land south of the High Street’ consultation.

May’s polls led to the Conservatives losing all their seats on the town council, while the party is no longer in control of CBC.

Independents are now the largest group on the local authority and have formed the new administration at Chicksands.

Liberal Democrat Leighton-Linslade South councillor Chris Leaman proposed the motion, which called on CBC to shelve its plans which would involve building on Duncombe Drive car park.

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The Liberal Democrats want CBC “to engage more extensively with local residents, community groups, businesses and the town council”, and be more adventurous with the redevelopment project.

“I’m pleased to see the partnership committee opposes the ill-thought-out Conservative proposals,” said councillor Leaman in a statement.

“We need to get the decision on land south of the High Street right. That means consulting widely with local people and being more ambitious in producing a scheme which truly captures the town’s requirements.

“We want a development to serve the town for generations to come, not a quick fire-sale to raise some cash for CBC.

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Leighton Buzzard's highly anticipated Land South consultation is now live

“I’d like to see CBC proactively engaging and bringing together local residents, businesses, community groups and other stakeholders to deliver this.

“Above all CBC needs to raise its ambitions. The town and its people deserve better than what the Conservatives proposed.”

A letter is to be sent to CBC council leader and Independent Potton councillor Adam Zerny by the committee chairman outlining its concerns.

Councillor Zerny will be asked to commit to:

> working in partnership with the town council to develop a joint proposal that reflects the wider needs of Leighton Buzzard;

> raising the level of ambition at CBC for the land;

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> engaging in truly meaningful consultation with local residents, community groups, the town council and the town’s elected representatives;

> withdrawing the current proposals and supporting the future development of a neighbourhood plan for Leighton-Linslade;

> and bringing a progress report to the next meeting of the partnership committee.

In a statement, councillor Zerny said: “I agree with local residents that it’s important CBC consults with local residents. I’ve asked the council for a more detailed understanding of its current position.

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“I can see the benefit of a plan which considers the whole area. As soon as I know more, I’ll be eager to speak with everyone concerned. That’s not just those local councillors, who’ve rightly been asking questions, but any other town councillors and residents intent on making Leighton Buzzard a better place to live.”