Sign up for Florence Nightingale Hospice's Midnight Walk

The Florence Nightingale Hospice Midnight Walk is an annual event that raises vital funds to support the community nursing teamThe Florence Nightingale Hospice Midnight Walk is an annual event that raises vital funds to support the community nursing team
The Florence Nightingale Hospice Midnight Walk is an annual event that raises vital funds to support the community nursing team
Many of those donning flashing bunny ears do it as a thank you to the Florence Nightingale Hospice teams, and to make sure that others can benefit from the compassion and comfort they give at a time of grief and pain for patients and their families.

Midnight Walkers raise nearly half of the money needed for the community nursing team, which cares for patients with life-limiting illnesses in their own homes all around the county.

Registration for the event on June 24 is just £18, which includes a free souvenir Midnight Walk 2017 T-shirt as well as a medal and complimentary breakfast at the end of the Walk. There’s no minimum sponsorship although it’s hoped each walker will raise atleast £100,

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