Social gathering to help boost Leighton businesses

A member of Ollie Vees staff with Angela DraysonA member of Ollie Vees staff with Angela Drayson
A member of Ollie Vees staff with Angela Drayson
Leighton Buzzard-based businesses are coming together for a training session on how to increase their customers through online marketing.

The initiative is for both budding and established companies to learn how to work towards greater success, but without the prohibitive cost.

The event is being organised by local Market Square cafe and clothes company Ollie Vees in tandem with social media expert Angela Drayson.

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A spokesman for Ollie Vees said: “The session is aimed to show our local businesses how they can increase both awareness and enquiries through low cost methods online.

“Angela has proved this with her own business and has travelled the globe gaining insight and techniques ready to share with the local business community.”

Angela will share secrets of social media, how techniques are used and how you can apply them.

She will also show businesses how easy it is to engage with both domestic and commercial customers.

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The one-off session on Thursday, February 23 between 6pm and 8pm, takes place at Ollie Vees, 33 Market Square, with coffee and cake upon arrival.

Tickets are £17.50 each through the booking hotline 07515 422009.

The event is aimed at both small and medium companies across the Leighton Buzzard area.