Tough Mudder helps KidsOut

Team Aubergine who raised £1,000 for their next door neighbours in Leighton Buzzard - the charity KidsOutTeam Aubergine who raised £1,000 for their next door neighbours in Leighton Buzzard - the charity KidsOut
Team Aubergine who raised £1,000 for their next door neighbours in Leighton Buzzard - the charity KidsOut
A four-strong team from a Leighton Buzzard graphics company have proved what good neighbours they are after raising £1,000 for a charity in the office next door.

Team Aubergine successfully completed the arduous Tough Mudder challenge in aid of KidsOut.

But it took six months of training – including long-distance running, weights and an unnatural amount of practice on a Leighton Buzzard Park monkey bars.

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The quartet – comprising Mark Tomkins, Steph Henman, Matthew Craft and James Thiel – work at Aubergine, a creative graphic, digital and web development service.

They completed the 12 mile obstacle-covered course in a very respectable three hours 32 minutes and are thrilled to have raised such a substantial sum.

The money will be put to good use treating disadvantaged children to much-needed days out or sending boxes of brand new toys to those affected by domestic violence.



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