Unanimous rejection of Paul Newman Homes' plans to build 300 houses at Valley Farm

Paul Newman Homes' latest bid to build houses at Valley Farm has been unanimously rejected by Aylesbury Vale District Councillors.

After hearing impassioned pleas from members of the Leighton and Linslade community, AVDC members highlighted the impact on landscape as a major adverse effect.

Cllr Blake said it was “unfortunate” the site’s boundaries placed it in front of an AVDC committee, as it adjoined Leighton-Linslade.

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Chairman of Soulbury Parish Council Victor Wright appeared before the committee in favour of the development, which is 2km from Soulbury - highlighting the parish’s need for affordable homes and younger residents.

Cllr Steven Lambert said he could well understand that the parish council were satisfied with the development’s proposed location - considering its distance.

Adrian Cattell from Paul Newman Homes criticised AVDC officers for recommending refusal and accused them of not engaging with the developers.

One AVDC councillor after another spoke out in favour of following officers’ recommendations to reject the application.

After the decision was announced, members of the public broke out into applause.

More on this to follow.

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