Valley Farm appeal rejected

A builder's last-ditch effort to build over 300 homes off the edge of Linslade has been defeated with a rejection by the Planning Inspectorate.

Paul Newman Homes had appealed to the Inspectorate after Aylesbury Vale District Council refused their application build a new estate at Valley Farm in February last year.

The appeal was heard over five days last month and included a visit to the site.

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Today, it was confirmed that the Planning Inspectorate had rejected the appeal.

Campaigner Tom Daly said: “Let`s hope [Paul Newman Homes] now gets the message, this fantastic valley area is not for building on!

“Well done to all, I say, for fighting this builder together – local residents, officers and councillors of Leighton, AVDC and Beds, our MP Mr Selous and indeed everyone who loves Leighton and Linslade as we do.

“We live here, we love it here, and we shall protect it and do whatever we have to, to preserve the things we love for all who wish to put down roots here now and in the years to come.”

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Mp Andrew Selous added: “I am absolutely delighted to learn about the Planning Inspector’s decision to refuse this development and I hope that this time, NO finally does mean NO!”

It was the second time Paul Newman Homes had appealed to the Planning Inspectorate after a plan to build 900 homes on the same site was rejected back in 2012.

Paul Newman Homes was contacted by the LBO but were unavailable for comment.

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