What should be the priorities for Leighton Buzzard for the next 5 years?

Leighton BuzzardLeighton Buzzard
Leighton Buzzard
An ambitious two month public consultation exercise is underway to help shape Leighton-Linslade Town Council's objectives over the coming five-year period.

In 2015, the town council published its 3 Year Plan and Objectives for the period 2015-18.

With most of those objectives now completed, the council says it wants to better understand from residents their aspirations for the parish over the coming years.

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Working in collaboration with HowDo research consultants, a series of face-to-face interviews will take place across the parish where residents will be given the opportunity to have their say.

A council spokesman said: “We want your views on the following services and facilities we provide that include our open space, cemeteries, events, Teenage Advice and Teenage Information Service and twice weekly market.

“Whilst we welcome your engagement in the process, we should make clear that as a council we have no control over the services and facilities that Central Bedfordshire Council are responsible for that include housing, council tax, benefits, elections, schools, highways, parking, community safety, waste collection, social services, leisure and libraries and planning matters.”

The spokesman added: “Once the survey is complete, any recommendations that come from this will be fed back into the democratic process and will be agreed by the Policy and Finance Committee at its meeting to be held November 19.

“It is hoped that in January 2019, Full Council will adopt the plan that will set the blueprint for the parish over the coming five years.”