Woman pulled into alleyway and sexually assaulted in Leighton Buzzard

Police NewsPolice News
Police News
A woman was sexually assaulted after she was pulled into an alleyway in Leighton Buzzard’s Cooper Drive area.

At around 11.30pm on Wednesday (January 23), the woman was going for a walk when she was approached by a man who attempted to start a conversation.

He then pulled her into an adjacent alleyway and sexually assaulted her.

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The man is described as white, tall, and of average build. He was wearing jeans, a jumper and a woollen hat. The man left the scene via the Kingfisher Road end of the alleyway.

Detective Chief Inspector Jackie Dadd, said: “This was a distressing incident for the victim. We have a number of officers working hard to identify the man responsible, as well as providing the victim with support.

“If you noticed a man matching this description in this area of Leighton Buzzard around the time of the incident, or if you have any information, we would urge you to get in touch with us.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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